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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Instructors: Castle Hill Yoga

So far, I've done 4/10 classes at CH. They have been interesting...and very diverse. I wanted to cover the 4 different instructors I've had thus far...

Eriko - for her I took the Ashtanga Mysore class and I didn't like it, but that isn't her fault. I just am not a fan of the self-guided yoga. She, however, was very helpful knowing that I hadn't done a Mysore class prior to that morning. She gauged my skill level well and was able to give me some more advanced sequences once she knew I was aware of the poses. I think if I did like Mysore I'd continuing going to her class...I know that if she has a regular class I would attend!

Dido - again, it was unfortunate that I got her for the Beginner Vinyasa class. I took it to check it out and was more advanced than the others attending. She was very into the feel of yoga and meditation, so that was nice after a long day. Dido was great...she did give me some options to make the practice more challenging and she definitely has a good presence in the class. Her patience with the new individuals was impressive and I know she has the capability to teach advanced classes.

Angie - I took her Vinyasa Flow class in the evening and really liked her personality, however the class was still feeling too easy for me. We did a lot of handstands and inversions which I like but it made the class not flow as much as I'm used to. She also had us line up on the sides of the room and face each other which made me feel a little self-conscious. I ended up watching the ladies in front of me more than I paid attention to my own practice.

Jeremiah - this has been my favorite class so far. I had never taken a strictly Anusara class before, but it integrated many poses I've done over and over again in other Power classes. He was very intent on the chanting and OM's at the beginning which was fun. It made me a little wary that the class wouldn't be challenging, but I finally got my workout! I definitely felt like I got something of strength out of his class, phew...good thing it was a 90 minute class. Sad to say that he's moving at the end of the month so won't be there anymore.

Six more classes to go, and hopefully 6 new instructors! On Wednesday I'm taking class with Christina Sell - who I'm told is the shining star of CH and the yoga we'll see how it goes!

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