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Saturday, July 23, 2011

SUP Paddleboard Yoga!

This morning my friend Kelly and I went down to Town Lake and did some amazing paddleboard yoga. We didn't know what to expect, how the class would go, or really anything before getting started but by the end we were hooked and plan on going again soon.

The beginner class (this morning) is 90 minutes long. Even though it says beginner I would suggest that you've done yoga before in order to take the class because it's not as guided as a normal studio class. I think our instructor, Zach, had a certain plan for us but we had some more advanced ideas. In addition to getting used to the board we moved on to sun salutations, warriors, and I even succeeded in doing a headstand and wheel!

Some of the challenges were simple balance! Warrior one was probably the hardest because you aren't perfectly centered. It was awesome. The weather was also perfect with a nice breeze and some cloud cover.

The company we went through was called SUP ATX Yoga and they are doing complimentary classes the entire month of July so we're going to try and squeeze another one in. Our instructor was fairly sure that once a charge starts it'll be the standard $15 that comes with normal paddleboard rental.

I would highly suggest trying this out, it was SO much fun and such a new and different experience!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

First Impression: Yoga Groove

Last week I signed up for my 2-week trial at Yoga Groove, and I have to admit I just don't like Bikram yoga. I'm not going to blame this totally on the studio but I really prefer Power Flow and Vinyasa style yoga so I don't know that I will continue with this studio, nor others that offer only Bikram yoga. If you want those write-ups you may have to find someone who loves it!

I had done Bikram previously but maybe only once or twice, and this experience just made me want to shun it forever. For some reason my body just did not cooperate with me and I left with symptoms mirroring those of heat exhaustion...chills, black out, etc. It was probably my fault for going to a 5:30pm class on a 100 degree day that was packed full, but still very unfortunate :(

However, I do want to talk to the studio. Yoga Groove is very large and almost comes across as corporate. I got a key card for just doing the 2-week trial! When I showed up it was a little hectic, I'm not sure if the woman at the front desk was new or what, but since class was starting I needed to leave my credit card with her so she could properly register me. As I walked in I saw that there was a nice locker room and rooms for I think they do those as well?

With the trial period you could get a mat and towel without being charged, but moving forward for members it is $1 each for rental, not too bad but no smaller towels...and you will need them. The studio was carpeted which I'm not a huge fan of, and I think that made it even more hot. I am well aware Bikram is supposed to be 105 degrees, but it was closer to 120...the instructor opened the doors and turned it down about half way through so that was more bearable.

Our instructor was Erin, and I have to admit that she was kind of harsh with the way she conducted the class. To me yoga is spiritual, relaxation mixed with strength and flexibility training but her voice and demeanor was similar to a boot camp instructor, and it wasn't very peaceful. I wasn't a fan of this style, she also stood on a pedestal above the rest of the class so that was kind of odd too.

Overall, I can see fans of Bikram liking the schedule since there are a lot of options for classes, the large facility and the open nature of the facility. Personally it's not my cup of tea, so I'll most likely skip any of the Bikram studios on my plan after now :( Sorry to disappoint but the experience just wasn't what I'm looking for.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Final Rating: Yoga Vida

I've just finished my month-long trial period at Yoga Vida and really enjoyed it. Before I get into my final rating I'd like to go over the final two instructors that I've had since my last post.

Vic - he was great!!! The class was very challenging and he was very good giving us moderations to make the poses easier or more difficult. It was the most crowded class I've been to at Yoga Vida so that just proves that he has the attention of the members. His level of motivation was very high and I felt really good throughout the class that continued after I left. He definitely has a Baptiste style practice.

Zoe - this is the second time I've had Zoe, I had also taken her at Bfree. I have to say that she was just as consistent and well-practiced as I remembered. It was another very full class which just proves she's popular too! Her style is more yogi than some others but I think it really grounds you and requires focus on your practice. 

I also heard from a friend that Carly is great, but unfortunately my month ran out before I got a chance to try her out, so I would suggest making it work if you do the trial or get a membership. Ok...moving on!

The classes at Yoga Vida overall were fantastic. I've learned that I really enjoy the consistency that comes from the Baron Baptiste trained instructors and the studios that follow his practice. They are generally very challenging and help you explore moderations that allow you to grow your practice instead of doing the same thing each class. I love to improve and test my strength and balance and the classes I've had over the past month all did that for me. I would have to say that my favorite instructor over the course of the month was Vic, his class appealed most to what I look for when I'm walking into yoga.

There are two facilities that you can use with your membership to Yoga Vida, one is located on 7th and West and the other off Bee Caves road in Westlake. I only went to the Westlake location once, but liked the downtown location better. The Bee Caves location is carpeted and doesn't have a shower which is a downer for me as far as a full-time studio is concerned. As far as I know, all instructors bounce between both studios so whatever times and classes are convenient for you will be enjoyed.

The downtown location does have a shower and a larger locker room area. This is helpful if you have to go somewhere (work, class, etc.) after the class, which is normally the case for me. There are a couple things that disappointed me about the studio, the lack of little towels and the lack of cleaning solution.  With the heated nature of the classes you definitely need a towel, even just a small one, which I almost ALWAYS would forget. They don't have any hand towels to use during class so it's slightly difficult to focus if you can't wipe down. In addition, because you are sweaty if there is no cleaning solution you are putting your mat back into your hot car to would be an easy improvement to make!

A major plus is that even the downtown studio has decent parking behind the studio so you never have to worry about needing a meter or paying for parking. I really liked Yoga Vida and my time there flew by! I would definitely suggest it, especially the new one month trial for $40. You will enjoy the practice and the locations.

Classes: 4.5/5
Facility: 3.5/5 
Overall: 4/5

Next..on to Yoga Groove:)