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Monday, March 28, 2011

First Impression: Bfree Yoga

My second official studio trial began at Bfree Yoga on Friday. I'm doing a one-month trial for $60 and have friends who are excited to do the $20 10-day trials throughout my month, so we should have some guest bloggers!

My first class was Friday during lunch, I knew this would extend my lunch hour but since everyone else at work was out having drinks and watching the NCAA tournament I was still ahead! The classes are organized very well and are very clear, they offer BFlow, BHot, BGroove and some others. I have to admit I LOVE her branding strategy. It is easy to remember and allows for a lot of play on words, for example, she could add BAge-less for an older crowd or BMommy for pre-natal see where I'm going with this. Anyway, I think it's genius and the marketer in me went to town :)

The class schedule is very flexible which I really like. There are 6-7am classes everyday which is great for early risers like me, but also multiple evening classes to choose from, including a new 9:30pm class on Thursdays. There seem to be many instructors, some of which teach only at BFree and others who I've seen on the schedule at various yoga studios around the city. Shelby, the owner, just purchased BFree a couple of weeks ago (it used to be Bodhi Yoga).

Because the name has recently changed I had a little trouble finding the place. I had the address and all but the sign isn't on the building yet so I wasn't sure how to find the studio...I would suggest putting a quick blurb on the location portion of the website that explains it is "on the San Gabriel side, on the first floor by the stairs." Just for us who are easily confused :)

So, on to the studio. My first impression was a good one. It has a lot of space which I like and is very open. There is a small locker room with two showers (which was perfect for going back to work Friday). It is clean and has an earthy feel, very yoga. The hot studio is huge, so when practicing there is enough room not to be on top of each other, I personally enjoy the space. There is another studio but I'm not sure yet if it's used...Shelby has a huge blackboard right when you walk in with announcements and information which is fun to read while you are waiting for class to start. April is bring a friend free month!

It seemed as if there were mats that one could use for free if you forgot and hand towels for during class. The one thing missing was a water cooler or a small refrigerator to buy a bottled water. I am not one who likes water typically so I tend to forget and be the person who buys a bottle or finds an empty something in my maybe just having a small fridge and water for purchase would be simple improvement.

The classes I've taken so far were both taught by Shelby. She was substituting because a few of the other instructors are traveling. Both were great, and very hot! I sweat more in her classes than I ever have before, so I walked out feeling like I lost 5 lbs. Her classes seemed more focused on strength than some other Flow classes I've taken, which I liked. There were quite a few holds, various versions of plank, and a lot of back bends. The music was great, especially in the Sunday class...she played songs like "Like A Prayer" and "Handstands" which were very fitting.

Overall, I'm excited to really get started and try out the different instructors at Bfree, as well as classes other than just BFlow. I'll hopefully get some friends to check it out with me and give their thoughts over the next couple of weeks!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Breath & Body Yoga: Final Rating

I have officially completed my month-long trial period at BBY. I have to say that it was an enjoyable month that sped by. My experience was with various instructors which I think was absolutely necessary to get a good grasp on the studio, their teaching methods and their techniques.

My initial positive reaction to the classes at BBY only got stronger as I continued. Each and every teacher was intelligent, attentive and well-trained. The classes were very challenging and I never left feeling as if I didn't get a good power yoga workout, and although I was scared of 1.5 hours to begin with, not I don't know how they cram any yoga into an hour...must be very challenging for the teachers. I'm not sure how to explain it but the classes had a great flow...we started out slowly with stretching and warm-up, moved into very intense poses (inversions, etc.) then ended with floor work including hips, back, etc.

I will definitely give credit to Desirae for not only being a fantastic teacher but also constantly parlaying her knowledge on to the other instructors that work for her. You can tell they are well aware of the human muscular and skeletal systems and have a good knowledge of how to do proper adjustments and corrections. In addition, the mental awareness came very easily in each of the classes. The message and intent for each of my sessions was well guided and spot on. For example, one morning there was construction right out the window and Desirae used it as our "music" and as a way for us to re-focus our practice on the poses instead of the environment around us.

As you know from past posts I rate the classes, the facility and my overall opinion of the studio. BBY has a small facility and that was a bit disappointing at times, for example, because there was only one bathroom and the shower was back inside the studio, so I didn't know if it was for students...I knew I'd have to go home after class instead of right to work in the morning. This can definitely be a negative for some, I luckily could balance around that since I live close, but others may not have that luxury. However, the studio was always very clean and tidy, with water available for purchase and through a cooler, in addition to small towels that were complimentary to use.

What I did notice is that if you forgot a mat or towel (the good yoga kind) you did have to pay to rent them. I think the prices are high enough at BBY that they could lend them to people. The type of individuals that I witnessed practicing there were fairly seasoned so I think everyone owned a mat...and if they forgot one it should be easy to borrow once in awhile. The prices for rental were $2 for each.

Overall, I had a fantastic experience at BBY. They are knowledgeable and I completely trusted their judgment. The teachers seem to be learning and improving all of the time through workshops, traveling, etc. and it's good to know they aren't working with old material.  I definitely think that the option of having a one month or one week unlimited as a new student is ideal. Some/most studios offer just a week or 10 days and I found that I did get somewhat "attached" to the teachers I met and the style...there is definitely an emotional tie to yoga!

Classes: 5/5
Facility 3/5
Overall: 4.25/5 - classes hold a little more weight for me

It'll be hard to get a perfect score out of me, but here I go...the next stop BFree Yoga Downtown.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Breath & Body Instructors: Sami and Desirae

As you may have noticed I've chosen to try out the different instructors and classes at BBY. Writing about each one individually would cause me to get behind in my blogging so I'll continue to review two at a time. The two following instructors were both amazing. There was a similarity between Sami, Kaley and Desirae, which I'm sure is attributed to the fact that Sami and Kaley went through training at BBY, and Desirae is the owner!

Sami -

Sami is fairly new to teaching yoga (she got her certification in December) but she teaches like a seasoned professional. Her class was at 6:30am which I loved!! It was a new class that was recently added and I'm a big fan. Sami took this into consideration and made sure that we got the most out of our hour. She led the class so that it would prepare us for the week ahead. The opening and twisting poses really woke me up.  I was surprised that an hour went by so quickly since most of the classes I've been taking lately have been an hour and a half.

Sami is very consistent with her instruction, which is helpful for those of us who aren't as familiar with the poses and flow patterns. She always speaks through each pose and makes sure to notice if anyone isn't doing it properly...she doesn't call them out but reiterates to the entire class how to make corrections. She talks through corrections and adjustments the entire time which improves my practice and technique. Even those who feel confident in their poses benefit from the reminders! Her music choices were fun and upbeat and went with the speed of the class. I saw similarities between our corporate class with Sami and the studio class - but the studio class was definitely more challenging...she was in her element and it was fantastic! Added bonus: we got lavender towels on our foreheads!

Desirae - 

I learned a new yoga word today in Desirae's class, and it is "cadence". As I explained to Sami how I enjoyed the way that Desirae spoke throughout the class and how I was impressed by her points of inflection and the ease of her instruction, she informed me that it's known as cadence and it's a skill that all yoga teachers strive to perfect. It was motivating! As I explained in the intro, Desirae is the owner of BBY and I was told ahead of time that she had just gotten back from a bootcamp in she was ready to kick our butts!

The class was definitely a challenge, whew. I really liked the integration of ab work into the class as it set the tone for the core work that comes from the flow portion of the class. She seemed to stay one step ahead of us as far as the next pose or adjustment was concerned, which I liked because it allowed us to go through the vinyasas and keep breathing at our own pace. Desirae knows her stuff, and it was obvious that others feel the same...she had many of the other instructors in her class as well as the most people I've seen attend a BBY class since I started!

I know I have yet to experience every instructor at BBY, but I am confident that I will enjoy and feel challenged by each and every class to come based on what I've seen so far :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Breath & Body Instructors: Omar and Kaley

Every class I've taken at BBY has been awesome - these two included! Each of these two instructors has their own style and definitely made their classes unique. Again, I'm impressed so far with the BBY staff and cannot wait to practice with the remainder of the instructors during my trial period.


His class was a little 'easier' (still very challenging) than the others I've taken, but I think it's because he seems to have a much more relaxed approach to his class. I would say that Omar has the best "mat-side" manner that I've ever experienced...he seemed to remember everyone's name and use that to call out adjustments in the class. This was great because you knew that you needed to pay close attention to that change and didn't have to look up or lose focus. I liked the floor work that we did, it was a good closing to the class after the heavy flow portion.  We also did a lot of optional inversions which I liked (handstands!). My only critique, and this is a personal preference, is that he didn't have any music and I prefer music during all exercises.

At the end of the class during our final meditation (I always forget the fancy name) he came around and put cool lavender cloths on our foreheads...this was sweet! I did learn that they try to do this if there is time at the end of each class, but it was a nice surprise. I have to say that during a morning or daytime class it wouldn't be as great, but at 8pm when you are preparing to go home for shower/dinner/bed it feels wonderful.


Tonight I took Kaley's class, and loved it. At the beginning she let us know that it was a basics class, which meant less flow, so I was hoping it was still challenging...and oh was it. She did a great job explaining at the start of the class why the basics are important and that many times it is more challenging because you are holding poses longer and really focusing on the technique. She continued to remind us throughout to keep our bellies tucked in which was a nice change. Many people tell me that yoga is great for the core, but I have a fairly strong core to begin with so I don't notice...but by being consistently reminded it made me realize that I just haven't been focusing my muscle energy properly to feel it.

The class was great for me because it was more light-hearted than some. Kaley was conversational while still instructing consistently. She made us feel that although yoga is a serious practice and it is important to focus that it is still just yoga and to have fun with it. I liked her choice of music (Edward Sharpe) and walked out feeling refreshed. I look forward to trying out one of her classes that focuses on flow and power!

One more thing I noticed about the studio tonight. I think that for trial periods, even for those who have done some yoga, it would be good at the beginning of the class to know if the instructor thinks we'll need a block, strap, blanket, etc. I have noticed that in each class the individuals gather a number of these things (haven't needed any until tonight) and because I'm new to these instructors it isn't something I'm prepared for. Just a thought!

MyEdu Corporate Yoga

Once my friend Sami got her yoga license we started discussing the idea of having yoga at MyEdu in the evenings. Corporate yoga is a growing phenom so we worked through the details on our own and based the general timeline and pricing after some of the programs Sami had been introduced to. I knew that we had quite a few yogis in the office, as well as a number of newbies so it was a no brainer to bring her in.

We've just started our 2nd session and it's going well! Our first session had 8 regulars and we're recruiting for others to try it out this time around.  There is a huge area in the center of the office that serves as our studio...and it works out perfectly because once it's dark the windows serve as mirrors!

Sami was trained by Breath & Body Yoga here in Austin (see my earlier post for website) and is leading us through power vinyasa classes. She's a great teacher and helps us explore the different aspects of yoga while putting work behind us...even though we're still in the office :) She is especially good at working with all levels of practice - doing a thorough job of explaining the mechanics and proper form of each position. Over the course of our first 6-week session she definitely increased the difficulty-level as everyone got stronger and more familiar with yoga.  I'm doing my current trial period at BBY so I'll cover Sami and her classes in more depth after I experience her in the studio!

Our pricing was:
6 weeks for $60
5 weeks for $55 (in case you need to miss one)
Drop-in for $14

It's a great deal  and so convenient! I know that a lot of people find it easier to simply stay here then have to commute to a studio; we can even go back to work after if necessary! Definitely reach out to Sami if you think this is something your company would like